This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK
Community Renewal Fund.


To produce and maintain an evolving programme of projects and actions that together deliver a net zero future for North Northamptonshire.

We are creating an initial programme of project options for the area that will help plan a just transition to that net zero future and potentially lead to funding to deliver it.

We would like your feedback on which ideas you like and what you think you might do to change for the better. Please complete our survey here



The ways in which we generate, distribute, and use energy can be carbon intensive and wasteful. We’re looking for ways to accelerate the transition to clean and renewable energy sources and for ideas on how everyone can adopt more efficient energy systems so we use less of it.


How can existing homes and businesses use less energy? How should new housing developments or commercial buildings be built so they release less CO2e in construction and benefit from clean efficient use of energy ongoing?



Low emission cars, trucks and public transport options are changing the way we travel and ship goods. How can we help the transition to cleaner vehicles and make existing vehicles greener?

Got an idea?

If you have an idea for a carbon saving project in North Northamptonshire we would love to hear from you.


Here you can see a range of projects that have so far been identified as having the potentially to positively impact on the transition to net zero.

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"We are a government funded project created to help North Northamptonshire achieve net zero carbon ahead of 2050 targets."

Frequently Asked Questions

NN2NZ is a government funded project created to help North Northamptonshire achieve net zero carbon ahead of 2050 targets .Electric Places (a trading name of Electric Corby Community Interest Company) is performing an analysis of ongoing and planned community-led low carbon energy, housing and transport projects in the area. Creating a programme of low carbon project options for the area that will help plan a route to net zero for the region and potentially lead to future investment in sustainability across North Northamptonshire.

We will work with our project partners to assess the idea’s feasibility. As we’re doing this, we may contact you to find out a bit more about your low carbon project idea and determine how it might be implemented in North Northamptonshire.

Ideas that are ranked highly based on CO2 savings potential, economic benefits for North Northamptonshire and scalability will be shared with North Northamptonshire Council. The intent is to create a portfolio of promising carbon saving project ideas that can then be used to secure government funding or private investment to make them happen.

Electric Corby CIC is the parent company of Electric Places who are managing the NN2NZ project. Electric Corby is a Community Interest Company based in Corby Enterprise Centre in Priors Hall Park, Corby.

The NN2NZ project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund. The  UK Community Renewal Fund  is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit The Community Renewal Fund Website

Get in touch

Please share your thoughts and initiatives to help us reach Net Zero and help you save money on energy bills and cost of living